Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

    Elena Herburger

  • Associate Professor
  • Elena Herburger
  • Department of Linguistics
  • http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/linguistics/
  • Georgetown University
  • 37th and O Streets
    Washington, District of Columbia 20057
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Language is only useful for communication because the sentences we utter, write or think have meaning. As a semanticist, I am interested in how speakers systematically, and largely unconsciously, build up the meaning of a sentence from the meaning of its parts and how these are put together. I am also interested in how speakers figure out contextual aspects of meanings that go beyond what the sentences literally say. Topics that I have worked on include negation, focus, quantification, and conditionals. Most of the data I work from drawn are drawn from English, Spanish and German.

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