Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

    Fouzieyha Towghi

  • Lecturer
  • Fouzieyha Towghi
  • School of Archaeology and Anthropology
  • https://archanth.cass.anu.edu.au/people/all
  • Australian National University
  • Canberra, ACT 0200
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Medical Anthropology; anthropology of health, medicine, and the body; gender and feminist techno-science/medicine studies; anthropology of reproduction, kinship, and reproductive technologies; decolonial and postcolonial theories; race, gender, and sexuality studies; Childbirth, midwifery, and women's health; critical global health and development studies; histories of colonial medical sciences; transnational feminisms and human rights; Indigenous and "alternative" medicines; ethnographic/feminist research methods; Geographic areas of focus: Bolochistan; Pakistan; India; and South Asia.

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