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Humanities Academia

    Rose A. Sackeyfio

  • Associate Professor
  • Rose A. Sackeyfio
  • Department of English
  • https://www.wssu.edu/about/university-directory.html?query=e...
  • Winston-Salem State University
  • 601 S Martin Luther King Jr Dr
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27110
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities India Area Studies Award at WSSU is a rewarding opportunity for professional development and research into the literature of Indian and other south Asian women writers. An important outcome of this new research interest is the articulation of strong similarities between African and Indian women's lives. These are evident in culturally defined roles for women, values, customs and practices and Hindu religion. . Further, I have made inroads in researching Indian, Nepali and Tibetan women's writing. These new works will form a unit on South Asian women's writing in ENG 2306 Women's Writing in a Global Context that will be taught in spring 2014. In addition, a joint publication on Hindu and African Goddesses is underway between myself and Dr. Sasi Kiran. In sum, first hand exposure to a new culture has afforded multiple rewards and enhanced my knowledge and research into women's lives as expressed in their literature.

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