Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

    Andrew Lynch

  • Associate Professor
  • Andrew Lynch
  • Discipline of English and Cultural Studies
  • http://www.english.arts.uwa.edu.au/
  • University of Western Australia
  • Crawley
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • 1. Medieval literature and culture in England, 1100-1500, with special reference to: romance, Arthurian literature; chivalric literature; Thomas Malory; Chaucer and clerkly poetry; the traditions and discourse of war and peace writing; literature and ideology; literature and gender.
    2. Post-medieval reception of medieval literature, especially Arthurian, including editions, adaptations, critical responses, children`s versions and original neo-medievalist literature and film.
    3. Twentieth-century Australian literature, with special reference to poetry; studies in Australasian medievalism; Francis Webb; Australia and Ireland.
    4. Irish literature

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