Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

    Shannon Becker

  • Associate Professor
  • Shannon Becker
  • Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • http://www.clas.niu.edu/
  • Northern Illinois University
  • 111 Watson Hall
    Dekalb, Illinois 60115
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My primary research area is second language acquisition (SLA). More specifically, I am interested in how second language learners develop listening comprehension proficiency, especially the cognitive processes by which this skill becomes automatic. I am also interested in the application of complexity (complex systems/dynamical systems) theory to the developing language system and how this perspective changes the methodological tools we use in SLA. I use both classroom- and laboratory-based experiments in my research in order to improve our theoretical understanding of how languages are learned and to offer practical suggestions for pedagogy.

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