Christian Barry is Professor of Philosophy and Head of School in Philosophy in the RSSS, and Co-Editor of the Journal of Political Philosophy. His research focuses on ethical theory, philosophy of action, and international justice. His recent work include books with Sanjay Reddy, International Trade and Labour Standards: A Proposal for Linkage (Columbia University Press), Gerhard Ă˜verland, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility and Agency (Cambridge University Press) and articles in Philosophy & Public Affairs, Journal of Political Philosophy, Journal of Moral Philosophy, Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Political Studies, Journal of Legal Studies, Review of International Studies, International Affairs, and Ethics & International Affairs. He currently holds an Australian Reasearch Council Discovery Grant for the project The Ethical Responsiblities of Consumers and is working on a book on that topic (co-authored with Kate Macdonald and under contract with Oxford University Press).