Who's Who in
Humanities Academia

    Gregory Chan

  • Instructor
  • Gregory Chan
  • Department of English
  • http://plaza.kwantlen.ca/sites/english.nsf/pages/home
  • Kwantlen Polytechnic University
  • Surrey, British Columbia V3W2M8
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • As a film studies specialist, my upper-level teaching and research currently focuses on narratology, disaster films, adaptation theory, film noir nihilism, masculinities, cinematic architecture, and the films of Alfred Hitchcock and Pedro Almodóvar. I am the Editor-in-chief of Mise-en-scène, a forthcoming film studies journal operating out of the English department and sponsored by KPU. My other areas of interest include rhetoric, Canadian and disasporic literature, digital humanities, and experiential learning.


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