Adele Davidson, Associate Professor
Kenyon College
Department of English
Adenike Marie Davidson, Professor
Delaware State University
Department of English and Foreign Languages
Cathy N. Davidson, Professor
Duke University
Department of English
Christopher Davidson
Biola University
Department of English
Michelle Davidson, Lecturer
University of Toledo
Department of English
Norbert Davidson, Assistant Professor
Southern University, New Orleans
Department of Arts & Humanities
Roberta Davidson, Associate Professor
Whitman College
Department of English
Tina Davidson
University of Waterloo
Department of English Language and Literature
Toby Davidson, Lecturer
Macquarie University
Department of English
Judi Davidson Wolf, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
English Language Institute
Margaret Davidson-Scott, Instructor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of English
Catherine E. Davies, Emeritus Professor
University of Alabama
Department of English
Daniel Davies, Assistant Professor
University of Houston
Department of English
Morgan Davies, Associate Professor
Colgate University
Department of English
Adam Davis, Professor
Truman State University
Department of English & Linguistics