Trisha M. Cowen, Associate Professor
Westminster College
Department of English & Visual Art
KATHRYN COWLES, Associate Professor
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Department of English
Bob Cowser, Professor
St Lawrence University
Department of English
Bené Scanlon Cox, Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
Department of English
Bonita M. Cox, Assistant Professor
San Jose State University
Department of English and Comparative Literature
James Cox, Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin
Department of English
Jeffrey N. Cox, Professor
Colorado College
Department of English
Jeffrey N. Cox, Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of English
Nikki Cox, Lecturer
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of English
Robert Cox, Professor Emeritus
University of the Pacific
Department of English
Rebekah Coxwell, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Old Dominion University
Department of English
Raquel Coy, Lecturer
York College
Department of English
Michael Coyle, Professor
Colgate University
Department of English
William Coyle
Salem State University
Department of English
Colleen Coyne, Assistant Professor
Framingham State College
Department of English