Photographer: Ge Wang

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Name: Ge Wang

Dr. Ge Wang holds a joint appointment as a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and the National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering (NCCHE), at the University of Mississippi, in March, 2007. Prior to Ole Miss, Dr. Wang was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Mechanical Engineering Department at McGill University supported by the Canadian NSERC-COREM grant. He was once Research Scientist at Arizona State University, short-term Visiting Scientist to the Los Alamos US National Lab, and Research Associate at University of Minnesota. Dr. Wang has a wide spectrum of research experiences and interests in both computational solid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics. In the field of solid mechanics, his previous and on-going research areas were/are categorized into a title like "Discrete element method of dynamic fragmentation of composite materials". In the last five years, Dr. Wang has established an innovative particle modeling (PM) method that is capable of simulating those problems associated with dynamic fracture mechanics, local damage initiation and propagation, blasting, impact dynamics and thermal effect on material breakage, at both micro and macro scales. In the domain of computation fluid dynamics, his previous research areas include: investigation of atmospheric flow over a regional complex terrain and plume dispersion; sheet/cloud cavitation on 3D hydro-structures, wave breaking, and small-size hydro-structure (circular cylinder, etc) in oscillatory flow field, etc. He is now working on investigating fluvial hydraulics and its environmental aspects. He has published 26 peer-reviewed papers in highly-reputable journals, conference proceedings, and more than 10 technical reports. Dr. Wang has 18 invited lectures in international conferences, universities, and research institutes. He is a member of ASME.

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Computational Fracture Dynamics - 3
Posted on Dec. 20th, 2007 by Ge Wang

Computational Fracture Dynamics - 2
Posted on Dec. 20th, 2007 by Ge Wang

Computational Fracture Dynamics - 1
Posted on Dec. 20th, 2007 by Ge Wang

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